People (to quote a well-known blogger),
I just spent the morning at the Apple Store on Regent’s Street in London. For the second time in as many months, my iMac G5 has completely fried. The logic board is kaput.
I am a sworn and devoted lover of all things Apple. Have been since elementary school. This is really trying my faith. Last time (in November) they kept me quiet by giving me the new iSight version of the computer…
Hmm, the new Intel chip version is out now… I’m definitely holding out.
Not to mention the nice little bouncy thing that happens whenever you open an application. I’ve never EVER seen anything bounce on a PC.
well, except for when I uploaded reasonable doubt into my itunes on my old laptop, but I assume we’re working with an unspoken Hova-related exception.
Speaking as the CTO of a profitable Internet content-distribution portal and provider of a fully Web 2.0-compliant J2EE on-demand access control system, I can confidently say that any minor reliability or compatibility issues you might encounter with your Darwin/BSD Open Firmware-based PPC 970 iMac are MORE than compensated for by that nifty “genie” effect that happens when you minimize the iTunes window. Seriously, it’s the bomb.
The Dell Latitudes calls to you J.Gordon….come to the dark side.
Or for pure evil, “Fall Out Boy” is at The Astoria, tonight.