Okay, so I got a replacement iMac G5 yesterday. I thought maybe they’d give me the new Intel chip version, but I guess not. Whatever, at this point, I just wanted a computer. I’ve got lots of ideas about recording new stuff — an inspiration I haven’t felt since I first arrived here — and I really want to seize the moment. The latest logic board death almost killed my urge to produce.
They did give me the new iLife ’06, so I guess it will be nice to do my recording on the new Garageband.
Yeah, that’s right, I use Garageband! What’s it to you?
if it weren’t so nerdly to have a simpsons reference, “Carholeband” wouldn’t be a bad band name. then again, look at the success of “fall out boy” – i would’ve never banked on that. between their success and the blow up of the arctic monkeys, I think we might be proving that band names really don’t matter at all. I mean, look at how far fooled by april got.
fooled by april, now that’s a shitty name
There’s no shame in using Garageband!
(Is there?)